Old Poetry Processing User Feedback With Rutapoetry, thesis, forReview, userTestingThesis Poem. Final Answer (right?)poetry, thesis, development, forReview, systemsBack To The Poempoetry, thesis, development, prototypeThesis Presentation Deck 1.5poetry, thesis, iterationSVG Animated Poetry with Vivus.jspoetry, thesis, development, forReviewThesis Superstructure: A Birds Eye View of The Complete Projectpoetry, thesis, systemsNature of Programming and Poetrypoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, developmentBlack History Month Poem- Video and Javascript Poetry Experiencepoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, development, iterationAlphabet as Actors-Digital Poetry Imagined as a Play (rest of you final)ITP, poetry, thesis, development, forReviewDetourning Web Scraper to Poetry Word Pool Activitydetourning, ITP, poetry, thesis, development, forReviewNetworked Media Midterm Proposal-Re-imagining Poetry Exercises OnlineITP, networked_media, poetry, thesis, development, forReview, ideationText Animation Researchpoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, development, researchBHM Poem Part 2-Scroll Animationspoetry, thesis, development, forReviewCapturing Black History Month Poempoetry, thesis, developmentUser Testing-Poetry Workshop with ITP Students: Developing Ground for Outputpoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, userTestingThesis-Timeline 2.0poetry, thesis, Uncategorized, systemsThesis Development –>Digital Poetry–> Front End –> Typographypoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, developmentSetting up an environment to experiment with ‘living poetry’poetry, thesis, development, systemsInteractive Poetry Book-Prototypingpoetry, thesis, prototypeThesis-Poetrypoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, ideation, userTesting
Black History Month Poem- Video and Javascript Poetry Experiencepoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, development, iteration
Alphabet as Actors-Digital Poetry Imagined as a Play (rest of you final)ITP, poetry, thesis, development, forReview
Detourning Web Scraper to Poetry Word Pool Activitydetourning, ITP, poetry, thesis, development, forReview
Networked Media Midterm Proposal-Re-imagining Poetry Exercises OnlineITP, networked_media, poetry, thesis, development, forReview, ideation
User Testing-Poetry Workshop with ITP Students: Developing Ground for Outputpoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, userTesting
Thesis Development –>Digital Poetry–> Front End –> Typographypoetry, thesis, Uncategorized, development