Poem for a friend

Poem for a friend

I spend some time in New Orleans this year. Outside of the Bay Area and Brooklyn, it is the only place that I have felt turn into home around me. It is a thrilling experience to feel yourself turn into a city. My partner, who is in law school, was doing an internship...
Freire JS 1.0

Freire JS 1.0

At my Language (re)Creation show, I talked about using javascript to allow for people to create and interact with ‘constellations.’ Here is the 1.0 of the first constellation, using the delightful and powerful P5 js. Click on the tabs below to see the code...
A Tryptic of Interactive Music Environments.

A Tryptic of Interactive Music Environments.

For the kids who need somewhere to be. For the offices of school counselors, social workers, ged prep teachers, after-school programs, trick-daddy, and everyone else who loves the kids. Especially the kids who need somewhere to be, and the kids with the fluctuating...