Last week I met with Sam Lavigne, who teaches the Detourning class that I am taking this semester. I wanted to discuss the theoretical background of my project with him and discuss how and what kind of work I might produce from it. Here is an image of the concept diagram I prepared for our meeting.
I appreciated our meeting together, and Sam urged me to ‘stop thinking,’ and to try and produce some portion of a possible project and work forward from there. Here is an image of my initial brainstorm about the possibilities for what I might create. My thinking here was around a ‘digital activity book,’ which has lead into my current working thesis project proposal which is an interactive digital book of poetry.
Digital Activity Book
Write on the walls
Bang the drums back at the world
Speak up, speak out, …..
Counter Narratives Over Culture
Speaking back
Models of the world?
And then build your own
‘Missing beautifully’
Set up an environment where there is a ‘hoop’ and a ‘ball,’ and the set up is to make you think the ideas is to make the ball in the hoop, but the functionality is actually to like use the ball to draw all over the canvas, and the hoop to change colors or something
How else would we ‘write on the walls.’
Maybe pulling some images and reference for what I’m talking about?
A general meme maker?
Video grep meme making activities
Radical Annotation
Creating poems out of structured data
Writing inside the cube
As opposed to outside the box. Making each text element a code within a pixel that has multiple dimensions
1 as itself
2. With more context to its constellation of meaning
An image? A space for notes?
An activity or interaction?
Writing underneath the lines-
Re-organizing websites
Painting over pictures